106 research outputs found

    Towards carbon dioxide utilisation: dense phase carbon dioxide and its mixtures with ionic liquids

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    Compressed carbon dioxide, either by itself or in combination with an ionic liquid, can serve as a promising reaction/separation medium for many potential applications. This work addresses the subject of solubility of carbon dioxide in relatively new, or less explored, families of ionic liquids, and its influence on particular properties, i.e. volume expansion or melting point depression. For the purpose of measuring carbon dioxide solubility at high pressures, a new, especially designed apparatus, was custom-built and its detailed description is provided here. The application of carbon dioxide as a solvent for a process and subsequent separation of product is discussed, giving a perfect example of the currently developing field of carbon dioxide utilisation. Ionic liquids based on tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate and tetracyanoborate anions coupled to 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazoilum cations presented one of the greatest capacities for carbon dioxide capture by physisorption mechanism among ionic liquids investigated in the literature. Exceptional volume expansions of the liquid phase upon carbon dioxide dissolution, reaching values of approximately 55 and 60 % for ionic liquids bearing fluoroalkylphosphate or tetracyanoborate anion, respectively, have been found. Results seem to confirm that the high carbon dioxide solubility is a consequence of the weak coordination between anion and cation, which allows for easy creation of cavities and more CO2 molecule accommodation. Although still much smaller than commonly observed for mixtures of carbon dioxide and organic solvents, this notably high volume expansion of IL-CO2 systems validates the free volume effect and the interspace filling mechanism of dissolution. The solubility of carbon dioxide in ammonium-based ionic liquids, which display abnormally high carbon dioxide-induced melting point depressions was carried out. These solubilities do not show any positive correlation with previously measured melting temperature depressions. Finally, a successful example of an application of carbon dioxide as both reaction and extraction medium in the process of C-H insertion of diazoacetamides is given. The process produces the expected lactam in yields over 97 %. Recycling experiments proves that carbon dioxide is capable of selectively extracting the product, leaving the catalyst behind for its reutilisation

    Assessment of various diagnostic methods of ureaplasma respiratory tract infections in newborns

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    We compared three methods used microbial culturing for detection of ureaplasmas in endotracheal aspirate from 500 prematurely born neonates with respiratory disturbances: BioMerieux test, PCR and microbial culturing. Ureaplasmas were detected in respiratory tracts of 79 (16%) newborns. Correlation of the results of culture with those obtained with the BioMerieux kit, culture with PCR and BioMerieux kit with PCR was 97%, 89% and 90%, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of PCR in comparison with culture was 86% and 98%, respectively, and of the BioMerieux kit 96% and 98%. PCR can be recommended in rapid diagnostics of respiratory infections in newborns suffering from respiratory disorders. It allows the detection of ureaplasmas in case of parallel infections and identification of their species

    Chiral ionic liquids based on L-cysteine derivatives for asymmetric aldol reaction

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    POCI-01-0145-FEDER–007265 PTDC/QUI-QOR/32406/2017 022161Structure, and consequently properties, of ionic liquids can be easily tailored by changing cation/anion combinations and/or attaching functional groups. By grafting enantiopure moieties to the framework of ionic liquid it is possible to prepare bioinspired chiral molecules that can serve as a reaction medium, additive or even asymmetric catalyst. In this context, new chiral ionic liquids (CILs), based on biomolecules, such as aminoacids (L-cysteine derivatives), have been synthesised and tested in asymmetric aldol condensation of aldehydes and ketones. The best results were obtained for CILs composed of S-methyl-L-cysteine cation and bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide anion, in the reaction of 2-or 4-nitrobenzaldehyde with acetone or cyclohexanone, giving the aldol product in moderate yields 70–76% and high ee values (up to 96%).publishersversionpublishe

    Bone metabolism and vitamin D status in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Background Vitamin D (VD), an important factor for bone health immobilization and immune regulation, has been shown to have low serum concentration in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Those patients have also multiple fracture risk factors, including progressive immobilization and long-term glucocorticoids treatment. The aim of the study was to analyze bone health (osteopenia or osteoporosis prevalence) and VD serum concentration in MS patients as well as the influence of disease activity and treatment on bone health. Materials and methods The study involved 72 MS patients: 52 women and 20 men. Mean age was 40.3±10.5 yrs, mean EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale) 3.3±1.9. Bone health was analyzed using standard densitometry in the lumbar spine and femoral neck. Serum levels of VD, calcium, phosphate and parathormone were assessed. We compared two groups of patients with multiple sclerosis: relapsing - remitting MS (RRMS) and progressive relapsing MS (PRMS). Results Densitometry revealed osteopenia in twenty-six (36.1%) patients and osteoporosis in eleven (15.3%), no bone fractures were presented. Sixty-eight MS patients (94.4%) had lower VD serum level if compared to population referential values. Thirteen patients (18.1%) had severe VD deficiency. Densitometry parameter (T-score of the lumbar spine) worsened with EDSS increase (r=−0.43, P=0.001). There was a statistically significant negative correlation between VD concentration and EDSS score (r=−0.31; P=0.009). Conclusions Our study indicates that patients with MS have high incidence of osteopenia and osteoporosis and vitamin D deficiency. Bone health disturbances studied by densitometry are related to the disability caused by MS

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on water safety services in selected municipalities in the Southern Baltic Sea

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article is to present the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on water safety services in selected municipalities in the area of the southern Baltic Sea by analyzing changes in the nature of services commissioned before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.APPROACH/METHODOLOGY/DESIGN: Desktop-based research that consisted in a document and database review of available information, statistics and other data from national and regional sources. The statistical analysis performed on the basis of qualitative data collected from Poland via statistical databases. The research relied on the public procurement procedures for water safety services in the following municipalities, Międzyzdroje, Dziwnów, Ustka, and the rural municipality of Ustka.FINDINGS: The analysis of the data presented in this paper shows that the pandemic changed economic circumstances of providing water rescue services, which in consequence directly or indirectly impacted water safety conditions.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This paper identifies that the pandemic not only unequivocally changed economic circumstances of providing water rescue services, but also deteriorated the training conditions, for instance, by rendering swimming pools out of service or banning in-person training.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The presented overview may be useful for improving the management of bathing water safety in Poland, as it contributes to its proper current diagnosis.The project was financed within the framework of the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland under the name “Regional Excellence Initiative” in the years 2019–2022, project number 001/RID/2018/19, the amount of financing PLN 10,684,000.00.peer-reviewe

    Implementation of the Directive 2006/7/EC in selected EU member states in the 2017-2019 period

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article is to present bathing water quality in the EU, with particular emphasis on Poland and neighbouring countries. In the authors' opinion, identification of the possible deficiencies of the adopted solutions may allow to assess and amend the content of the normative acts.APPROACH/METHODOLOGY/DESIGN: Desktop-based research that consisted in a document and database review of available information, statistics and other data from international, national, regional sources. The statistical analysis: performed on the basis of qualitative data collected from Poland and other European Union member countries via statistical databases. Subjective scope of the research: countries fulfilling the criteria of membership in the European Union and the nearest neighbourhood of Poland. Time frame for the research: was set up for the 2017-2019 period. Supplementary, a case study has been applied to present how the Directive 2006/7/EC was implemented in Poland.FINDINGS: The analysis of the data presented in this paper shows that implementing Directive 2006/7/EC in Poland resulted in the decrease in the number of bathing sites. Moreover, it resulted in a lack of monitoring and transparency of water quality assessments in other types of designated water areas.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This paper identifies that it is not possible to quantify water quality on a 4-year basis for the majority of bathing sites in Poland and thus the transparency of water quality assessments in Poland has been impaired. The paper also raises awareness about problems with the implementation of the Directive 2006/7/EC in Poland and indicates the need for change.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The presented overview may be useful for improving the management of bathing water quality in Poland, as it contributes to its proper current diagnosis.peer-reviewe

    Evaluation of urease activity by the human Ureaplasma species

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    Udar niedokrwienny u pacjentki ze stwardnieniem rozsianym jako powikłanie długotrwałego leczenia immunosupresyjnego mitoksantronem - opis przypadku

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 43-letniej chorej ze stwardnieniem rozsianym (SM, sclerosis multiplex), leczonej immunosupresyjnie mitoksantronem, u której wystąpił udar niedokrwienny w trakcie stosowania wyżej wspomnianego leczenia. Dwa miesiące po 5. podaniu wlewu dożylnego mitoksantronu (dawka skumulowana 44 mg/m2) u pacjentki wystąpił pierwszy w życiu napad drgawek uogólnionych z kilkugodzinnym stanem pomrocznym. W badaniu rezonansu magnetycznego uwidoczniono obszar odpowiadający zawałowi mózgu z niewielkim brzeżnym ukrwotocznieniem na pograniczu skroniowo-ciemieniowo-potylicznym prawej półkuli oraz niewielki linijny obszar rozmiękania w homotopowym obszarze lewej półkuli. W badaniach pomocniczych wykluczono główne przyczyny udaru niedokrwiennego. Leczenie mitoksantronem przerwano. Po 18 miesiącach wystąpił stan padaczkowy, który był powodem hospitalizacji na oddziale intensywnej opieki medycznej. Przy przyjęciu do szpitala pacjentka była w stanie ciężkim (4 pkt. w Glasgow Coma Scale); mimo stosowanego leczenia obserwowano gromadne napady padaczkowe. W 6. dobie hospitalizacji chora zmarła. Autopsji nie wykonywano. W przypadku tym rozważano możliwą rolę mitoksantronu jako czynnika sprawczego udaru niedokrwiennego

    Profil hormonalny u kobiet chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane w powiązaniu z aktywnością choroby — doniesienie wstępne

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    Background and purpose The influence of sex hormones on immune system activity in multiple sclerosis (MS) has been suggested by clinical evidence. The aim of the study was to analyse the pattern of sex hormones in MS women and to correlate the hormone pattern abnormalities to the disease course as well as to the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results. Material and methods We studied the serum level of the progesterone, β-oestradiol and prolactin in 46 women with clinical definite MS aged from 19 to 65; mean disease duration was 11.80 ± 9.86 years. The evaluation of the intensity of hormonal changes was done using a scoring system (0–3). On the brain MRI, the presence of brain atrophy, of hypothalamic demyelination as well as demyelination intensity (or degree) were analysed. The evaluation of the degree of demyelination and brain atrophy was done using a scoring system (0–4). Results The main hormonal abnormalities consisted of decreased progesterone level, increased oestradiol level or both. The sex hormone pattern was abnormal in 56% of patients. Hypothalamic lesions were found on MRI in 53% of cases. The abnormal hormonal pattern correlated with intensity of MR changes (p < 0.05, Fisher's exact test), but neither with presence of hypothalamic changes nor with disease parameters (Expanded Disability Status Scale, relapse rate, disease duration). Conclusions It is important to check the hormonal pattern in MS women because according to our results it may be related to the disease activity and probably affects the type of therapeutic intervention. This pilot study will be extended in a larger population.Wstęp i cel pracy Dane z piśmiennictwa sugerują częste występowanie zaburzeń hormonalnych u kobiet chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane (SR). Celem pracy była analiza profilu hormonalnego w zakresie hormonów płciowych u kobiet z SR w powiązaniu z przebiegiem klinicznym i obrazem rezonansu magnetycznego (RM) mózgowia. Materiał i metody Badano stężenie progesteronu, β-estradiolu i prolaktyny w surowicy u 46 pacjentek z klinicznie pewnym SR, w wieku od 19 lat do 65 lat, o średnim czasie trwania choroby 11,80 ± 9,86 roku, niestosujących żadnej terapii hormonalnej. Stopień zmian w profilu hormonalnym oceniano półilościowo wg przyjętego arbitralnie przez autorów systemu punktacji (0—3).W analizie RM brano pod uwagę obecność ognisk demielinizacji w obrębie struktur podwzgórza, nasilenie demielinizacji w obrębie mózgowia oraz współistnienie zaniku mózgu. Stopień zmian w RM oceniano także półilościowo wg przyjętego arbitralnie przez autorów systemu punktacji (0—4). Wyniki Nieprawidłowe stężenia hormonów stwierdzono u 26 pacjentek (56%). Nieprawidłowości polegały na zmniejszonym stężeniu progesteronu, zwiększonym stężeniu 17-β-estradiolu bądź na łącznym występowaniu obu tych zaburzeń. W badaniu RM w 53% przypadków stwierdzono obecność zmian demielinizacyjno-zapalnych w obrębie podwzgórza. Stopień zaburzeń hormonalnych oceniany półilościowo korelował ze stopniem zmian w RM mózgowia (p < 0,05; test dokładny Fishera), nie był natomiast związany z obecnością zmian w obrębie podwzgórza czy parametrami klinicznymi (punktacja w Expanded Disability Status Scale, częstość rzutów, czas trwania choroby). Wnioski Stan hormonalny kobiet chorych na SR powinien być brany pod uwagę w analizie klinicznej choroby i przy decyzjach terapeutycznych, gdyż wydaje się mieć związek z aktywnością SR. Badania te, w celu potwierdzenia uzyskanych wyników, należy kontynuować na szerszym materiale